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Platinum Ore Bushveld Complex [South Africa]

Brand : Jensan Scientifics LLC

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Platinum Ore Famous Merensky Reef South Africa

This rare specimen is a platinum-bearing ore sourced from the renowned Merensky Reef, Bushveld Complex, South Africa. This unique material contains a rich array of platinum group elements (PGEs), including platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, and osmium. These elements, often referred to as PGMs (platinum group metals), share similar physical and chemical properties and are typically found together in nature.

Historical Significance

The initial recovery of platinum in South Africa began in the East Rand gold mines. The first dedicated platinum mine, however, was a short-lived operation near Naboomspruit, which exploited a few sparse quartz reefs. The discovery of the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC) deposits in 1924 by geologist Hans Merensky marked a significant milestone. Merensky's prospecting efforts traced the Bushveld Igneous Complex for several hundred kilometers, revealing the world's largest reserves of PGEs.

Geological Importance

The Bushveld Igneous Complex is estimated to contain approximately 75% of the world's platinum and about 50% of the world's palladium resources. Extensive mining of the Merensky Reef for its platinum metals became economically viable in the 1950s due to a surge in demand for PGEs, making their extraction highly lucrative.

Specimen Details

  • Size of Specimen: 26mm X 20mm X 15mm
  • Size of perky: 1 1/4 X 1 1/4 X 1 3/8 inches.

What's Included

  • Certificate of Authenticity
  • Label and Information
  • Protective box
  • Tag stand

Please note that the photo cube is not included.

Limited Stock

Add this exceptional platiniferous pyroxenite specimen from the Merensky Reef Bushveld Complex to your diverse geological collection today!

This scientific material is Guaranteed Authentic. It was professionally and legally collected and arrives with a Certificate of Authenticity.